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Thursday, September 30, 2010

My secret to amazing skin!

I posted this picture (which was taken inside the humongous Forever 21 in Times Square! I HAD to get a picture with the gi-gundo mascara!)...and started getting tons of emails asking what face make-up I was wearing because my skin "looked so great"...thanks for the compliments...but I owe it all to a little secret!

And I'm sharing my secret with you all!

Okay, so I tried that AMAZING COSMETICS CONCEALER and never told you what I thought of it....A BIG THUMBS DOWN (that's what I get for listening to a youtube guru's, who I shall not name, recommendation...they are not a make-up artist and I'm sure they got paid to mention it...just so you all know...I do NOT get paid to do any product reviews...I only talk about things I love because I love them. And as a make-up artist who's been working on celebs and movies and everything for the last 10 years, I know what products are truly AMAZING and what just has a bunch of hype.

So I took my "AMAZING"concealer back to Sephora because I did NOT like it:
It made my skin look really dry and wrinkly and the coverage wasn't so great. All their color selection seemed to be really pink or beige based, then it just jumped to really dark with red-brown undertones. No bueno!

I thought I'd give COVER FX a try since I know that it will even cover tattoos!  

I bought mine at SEPHORA- you can even ask them for a sample before you buy it and try it out for a few days. And Sephora will let you return it if you bought the wrong color (the lighting in most Sephora's is less-than-great! ha ha ha)
All day long people kept saying how great I looked! From my son to people at the store...everyone said how great I looked! I was like: YES! THIS STUFF IS AWESOME!!!

Then when I wore it at my NEW YORK GLAMINAR and in that picture above, I started getting tons of emails asking what make-up I had on because my skin looked so great! SO HERE IT IS:

I first put a light layer of Laura Mercier liquid foundation all over, then used this as my concealer (you can apply it as foundation, then go back over certain areas, eyes, mouth, nose, under eye circle area again and it acts like a concealer!
*they gave a great color selection
*every color has great yellow undertones, which is what you want to cancel out the red in your skin to make it look great!

*it will last you a really long time, so even if the price seems high, it will last you a lot longer than a cheaper brand, so it will end up being around the same price! (retails for $42...worth every penny!)
* Great for Sensitive skin (non-comedogenic – zero irritancy score)
*Free of oil, and fragrance and parabens

I am in love with how incredible this makes my skin look...if you want AMAZING looking skin...Cover FX is my new secret...well not anymore cuz' I shared it with everyone! ha ha ha

perfect skin and hope you get lots of compliments....your kandee

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Turn this plane around!!!!

Who’s flying this thing!?! Well, not me, but I did get to sit there while we were still and on the tarmac!

From someone who was (and still is on occassion) very afraid of flying...I never thought I would find myself in the cockpit of a plane! Funny considering I take off and land in a plane about 15 times a month now with my "past" fear of turbulence. With  the voice of my dear friend, Tamara (that was a flight stewardess) saying:
“It’s only air, just pockets of air!”.....
have helped me not dig holes into the person sitting next to me.

*Oh, since I've been getting hundreds of emails: YES! This shirt is an awesome Keith Harring shirt that I got at the AMAZING PATRICIA FIELD STORE: you can get one for yourself HERE:

As I sat, as the airport with all my gadgets plugged in:
*computer charging
*memory card readers plugged in to upload photos and videos for you all to see
*headphones plugged in (so no one has to hear me editing my one want so hear: “hi it’s kandee!”...30 times while I try to edit the video..ha ha ha ha
...I heard a voice behind me saying:

“is that you putting make-up on?”
ME: “yes! I do tutorials on youtube!”
Pilot: “can you make me look good?”
ME: “ofcourse! I can make anybody look good!”
Pilot: “Will it make me land any smoother?”
ME: “I’ve gotta deal, I’ll make you look make us land smooth!”
ha ha ha ha

When I walked on the plane...he asked if I wanted to sit in the cockpit and get a picture! It was amazing...hundreds of buttons, switches, lights and levers! (I am even more amazed now, since I got a text from Tamara, my doll of a friend that used to be a flight attendant, telling me that people rarely even get to look in the cockpit let alone go inside, especially after all the security changes with 9/11) I am even more appreciative of this amazing little sparkly-opportunity that I was given today!)
I got to turn the air-conditioning on and the ventilation system for the plane!

It’s funny how little they see out. Here this big ol’ plane is operated by these tiny little windows with little tiny views....
AS I WRITE THIS WE ARE ABOUT TO DESCEND...IT IS WHOAAAAAA! PRETTY TURBULENT.....VERY BUMPY...whoa it just felt like a roller coaster dropping.....ahhh trying not to be afraid..trying not to be afraid....

This made me think about flying and turbulence...
life is like flying...sometimes we are just going along and we may experience some turbulence in life...we may be going through a pocket of "bad" air...but we will always come out alright.
And today we took off from the airport going the opposite direction of where we were supposed to be going...the pilot came on to tell us that "we would be going the opposite direction, but we needed to, in order to turn the plane around in the right direction to get where we were headed."

Life is like that too, sometimes we may worry thinking we are going in the wrong direction in life- in the total opposite way that we think we need to go to get where we want to be...
maybe you had to move back home, maybe the job you wanted didn't work out, maybe you have to live somewhere that you think is not where you want to be, maybe you just broke up with someone that you thought was meant to be in your future.....
but just maybe..this "opposite of where we think we need to be", is just like the plane that NEEDS to go in another direction, just to get us in the perfect line up for where we need to be to get to out "Dream" destination. We don't get to hear the "pilot's" voice telling us.."ok you're going to move to this crappy town for a few months...but because you are there you're going to meet your soulmate or meet someone that's going to help you get that dream job, or change your whole future! So hang on while we fly there to re-fuel and turn your "life plane" around!" Then we'd say, "oh okay, that's why Mr. Wonderful cheated on me and now I'm heart broken...because we needed to break up so I could fin d the REAL MR. WONDERFUL that wouldn't ever think of doing anything but adore me and be my best friend!"

So next time you feel like your plane of life, dreams or relationships is headed in the wrong direction...know that you ticket of dreams and wonderful future, already has your destination on it...we don't always see it or know it...but we are lined up to go right where we need to be, even if it looks like a detour!
huge love and happy landings and learn to enjoy the turbulence in life....your kandee
PS. you never know, the very stranger you dug your fingernails into during the turbulence, may be the very reason you had the turbulence, so you could meet! ha ha ha

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I can't believe this was my DAY!!!

ME & PATRICIA FIELD (she is the designer and wardrobe genius who dressed all the girls on Sex & The City, Ugly Betty and movies like , The Devil Wears Prada!!!)

I woke up this morning thinking that today would be amazing, because I was having breakfast with the girls from ELLE, since I won the ELLE and COVERGIRL Video STAR contest for the WHOLE year! (I couldn't believe it...I thought I had just won another month of the contest! Not the whole year!!! I was so honored and excited!)
We had breakfast at this cute place with zebra print booths right across from Central Park...and all the girls from ELLE (I'm so sad I didn't get a picture with them!)...are so wonderful, cute, and so was like just hanging out with friends and not editors of a magazine (how awesome is that!?!). 
(To Emily Dougherty: you are wonderful...since the moment I met you last year I loved you! So glad people at ELLE are so incredible...I love ELLE Magazine even more, knowing how great you all are!)
then my friend Andi Elloway who lives in LA,  happened to be in NYC working on another shoot...and she asked if I wanted to do a fun NYC shoot! YES!!! So this was a picture of me and her cute lil' self! (I'll show you the pics as soon as I get them! 
then I got to go to the biggest FOREVER 21 I've ever seen, in Times Square and had to pose with this gi-normo Lipstick!!!

Then the icing on my already unbelievable day......we had plans to meet my friend Lauren for dinner, and she tells me that Patricia Field (one of her good friends!), is going to be at dinner with us! Oh my gosh!!! I was so excited!
She is so funny, down-to-earth, nice, and a great business woman! I asked how she got started, where her favorite places to shop are, how long she's has her amazing red hair....It was so fun!
(my mama, my friends Tina and Lauren, super excited Kandee, and the Ruby-Haired Patricia Field!!)

I was so tired from my "unreal" and dreamlike day....I was so excited to blog about it all...and my mom came into the room to find me asleep on my laptop...smiling in my sleep! ha ha ha
You know you had an amazing day, when someone says you're smiling in your sleep!!!

This is going down in history in my life as: one of the best days of my life!
Breakfast near central park with the awesome girls from ELLE Magazine...a fun photoshoot....giant lipsticks...then dinner with PATRICIA FIELD!!!

TODAY's roster: (awesome-ness too!):
going to get my moms hair chopped off at the Ouidad Salon...super short, I'm gonna post it on here tonight!
Going the Patricia Field Store...where Pat herself said she would come and meet lil' ol me!!!!

I want to scream this is so awesome!!!!

Hyper-excitement and giant lipsticks....your kandee

giant lipsticks

Monday, September 27, 2010

Meet my "twin" sister...

Long before I ever went to New York lil' sister got to go because she was a finalist in this Covergirl Modeling contest...
I remember her calling us and saying how much she loved NYC and didn't want to come home!
Oh, how I had wished I could be seeing all the things she saw...I wanted to be her travel companion, her escort, her badly!
I remember she said she ate at Tavern on the Green in Central Park, and she bought a coffee mug at Dean & Deluca...and she did so many things.
She is my best friend...(well her and my mom)...
she makes me laugh harder than anyone I've ever known...and I adore her...she started a blog and a youtube channel ( I think it's hilarious because people will comment to me and say: "there's this girl named Tiffanycmyers on youtube that looks just like you"!
ha ha ha ha....I know because she's my little sister! ha ha ha
here's a video of me and my sister driving in LA...I was laughing out loud editing this on the plane to NYC....I hope it makes you giggle too!

I LOVE YOU SISTER! And one day both of us will visit NYC together! I miss you LAVA misses being in a volcano!....
huge love, kandee wandee bo bandee

Sunday, September 26, 2010

What ARE you WEARING?!?

I love getting to put fun make-up on...and on Glaminar days I always get to have more fun with my make-up!
I had people asking me what I had on, so here's a what I was wearing:

On my peepers (AKA my eyelids):

this was in some of the gift bags yesterday at the GLAMINAR (we had all random treasures from Urban Decay)
I put this all over my lid then went over it with SIN eyeshadow from Urban Decay
EYELINER: black liquid liner from MAC, black eyeliner in SMOLDER from MAC on top, then to lock it in, went over it with CARBON (black shadow) from MAC and OIL SLICK from URBAN DECAY

and for fun lips color I used:
THen I lined the edges of my mouth and the corners then blended it into the pink....with
then go over the red with more HOT PINK LINER to blend together...
I dabbed HOT PANTS EYESHADOW from Urban Decay in the center of my lips! SO FUN!

YAY! I have no make-up on at all  (CLICK HERE TO SEE!!!!!) but I'm in New York City and ready to go see this amazing city!!!!
huge love and hot pink lipstick....kandee

Friday, September 24, 2010


this is my mama Shannon...who bravely posed without one drop or smear of make-up on...she has wonderful skin and has never had any kind of "face" treatments like plastic surgery or botox...we laughed so hard when someone had commented on facebook that her nose looked like she had side effects of Botox...ha ha ha know my mom is to know what a health nut she is...she would never inject botox EVER! She does put coconut oil on her face!

So before we excitedly headed out to walk around SOHO today...we decided to do a "before & after" mom make-up video on her....I'll post it up on youtube soon!

She said she wanted a fun color on her lips..and picked HOT PINK and she asked if a "pin-up" eye look would look good on her. IT LOOKS GOOD ON EVERYONE!



then we headed out and had the most amazing can read about it on my "daily adventure in kandeeland
huge love from the biggest, most sparkly apple......your kandee

How to FLY In STYLE!

The most stylish way to sail through the sky......
yes, this was my "virgin" flight on Virgin Airlines from LA to NYC and whoa baby is this the coolest way to fly ever!
Let me just start by showing you the check-in had dj music playing, mood lighting and floral arrangements!
And I must say, then when you went to the VIRGIN "area"...all the people were dressed so cool and stylish and had cool "artsy" accessories and bags and cool hats.
Check out the check-in area:
fancy huh?
me making a "fancy" face while looking for something...see the fancy floral arrangement behind me!


Now I could've been totally wrong, but I think that Danny Masterson (AKA DJ MOM JEANS, I think that name is hilarious!) who played Steven Hyde on That 70's Show, was on my plane in first class. I saw him again at the baggage claim, but didn't want to keep looking at him like a weirdo, ha ha ha!

I didn't even notice the turbulence on the plane is was so cool!

(and don't forget to support this new little channel I started on youtube, please subscribe to it, it's just a baby and needs some

YAY! I am typing you this from New York City!!!! Glaminar is tomorrow! I can't wait! huge love from the big apple....I shall call myself Kandee-Apple while I'm here! ha ha ha

Thursday, September 23, 2010

When Bad Days Attack!

Have you ever had a bad day? Are you having one today?
Let me share with you some sparkles of joy to turn your bad day right round' baby, right round!

I was having a "not-so-great" day this morning...and I read these lyrics from Peter Pan's "You Can Fly" song, (click here:  to hear the "you can fly" song) which was prompted by my little babies telling me Peter Pan is their favorite ride at's mine too!

As I read these lyrics I started to cry:

When there's a smile in your heart
There's no better time to start
Think of all the joy you'll find
When you leave the world behind
And bid your cares goodbye
You can fly
You can fly
You can fly 

As I sang the song, I thought...I want to bid my cares goodbye...
 yes this world is full of troubles..things that cause up pain, hurt, frustration and sadness...
But I want you to know...just like Diamonds are made from intense pressure and incredible heat...when we go through intense pressure and incredible "heat" from life...we too will come out stronger and more brilliant and sparkling!

Take control of your thoughts....think a happy thought, "any little happy thought" as the song says...and let that thought guide your day. We can either have "sinkin', stinkin' thinkin'....or we can have "lifted, gifted, happy thoughts" to lift our feet from the troubles of the world..and fly us far above to find joy in our hearts and to spread the twinkle of love and happiness from our hearts.

No matter what today tries to "stink" up your thoughts with...refuse to let the negative thoughts guide your day. SAY: NO WAY! NOT TODAY! I WILL OUT-HAPPY-THOUGHT EVERYTHING!

You can think your way positive. Laugh a little-watch or read something funny. Give yourself a little love, watch your favorite movie, treat yourself to your favorite smoothie or a frozen yogurt, buy yourself something that smells yummy- a good smelling hand lotion or watch the sunset or listen to your favorite songs and dance in your bedroom!

Even if you've spent the night or day crying...the sun is going to come up tomorrow with a fresh new day of hope and happiness!

Be a hunter of happiness- no matter where you go or what you do...hunt for the happiness!

I made this little video for encourage your lift you out of the depths of  a bad day...and to water that garden of happiness in your heart!

huge huge love....your kandee

OH, PS: I'm doing my first giveaway for a CELEBRITY bag on my other blog:,
hope you guys like it and make today wonderful!!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Oh my BOOBS!!!!

Since I've never heard anyone say, man I wish my boobs were saggier or droopier...I've discovered the "fountain of perk" for your boobs!
It's not just because I feel like I've gotten a boob job since my boobs have gone into "let's-scare-her-with-how-big-we'll-get" mode...I do enjoy feeling like my boobs are bigger than their normal smallish size...thanks to my cooking "cupcake in the oven". (yes, pregnancy is great for the boobs!)

BUT the salesgirl told me that BOOB TUBE by MAMA MIO, is also a great neck say good bye to your turkey neck and baggy chin......southwards boobs and and if it lifts boobs and necks, maybe it can give your booty a boost too!

Not only have I been slathering my "girls" in it, but I've been covering my neck in BOOB TUBE goodness!
This stuff is amazing, and at the rate that I'm applying this all over the girls and my neck....I should double up on bottle purchases...even the sales girl said her hubby puts it on his forehead to keep it looking taught and wrinkle free.

So if you want some miracle in a bottle from everything from your BOOBS to your forehead...get your hands on this stuff!
I bought mine at A Pea In The Pod...but here's the link to the MAMA MIO website:

I think my boobs and neck will thank me in 15 years, that I helped them out this way! ha ha ha
The fountain of youthful boobs is waiting for you in your local BOOB TUBE BOTTLE! ha ha ha
Because no one wants to look like a lady off of the National Geographic channel that could get her boobs confused with 2 neck ties! 

love and lifted boobies....kandee

PS. I saw it online at for $29.00!

SIDENOTE: I DO NOT GET PAID from them or anyone to talk about this stuff...this is my beauty-style blog, so I tell you guys about stuff I've discovered that I love!

Monday, September 20, 2010


YAY! I'm gonna be on TV!!!! Can you believe it!?! I was so honored to be asked to be a part of the show!
Not only am I a guest judge on HAIR BATTLE SPECTACULAR which airs TOMORROW- TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 21 at 10/9 central ON THE OXYGEN channel
....but they gave me an awesome screen shot like this on their website! (yeah, my name is kandee and my special talent is wrinkling up my forehead! ha ha ha)

I don't even get the Oxygen channel, but I know you can download it from that's how I'll have to watch it! ha ha ha

that's me on the left....I don't own that dress, the stylist gave it to me....I was feeling very elegant!
those are my snazzo-shoes though...they are STEVE MADDEN...bought em last year...and they are so stinkin' painful to wear, but they look cool when you're sitting! ha ha ha

Here is me trying to give "criticism", but to know me is to know that I am always positive and encouraging, so they kept telling me I had to be more critical and mean...when, well when you watch it, you'll see how I just want to tell them how amazing they all did! The hair they did on this show was AMAZING! It was sculpture and art with hair, everyone was awesome!

Here's a close up picture...I always love the frozen screen shots of me talking...ha ha ha ha...and it's great that I am always talking with my hands! ha ha ha
I had so much fun this day, and I loved meeting the make-up artist on the show, Julie Murray...even though I did my own make-up, she awesomely let me borrow her liquid liner to put on my eyebrow "decoration dots" I do! She was my insta-friend!
That was such a fun, fun couple days of filming...I wish I could've judges the whole show!

Yay! Have fun watching me on the telly (television)....I am gonna be so excited to see it! I hope you are too, we can be watching it together, via the tv!

cartwheels and bowls of ice cream, your kandee!

PS. this is so awesome, when you read my blog and see how un-glamorous my life is, then see that I get to be in ELLE magazine this month, and this show is airing this month too...I can't believe it- I am SOOOO blessed! yay! squeals of happiness!

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Last year I cranked out so many costume looks... 
I'd stay up til 6am as the sun was rising, editing exhausting to try to do one new look a day!
I won't be able to do as many looks this year because I need to sleep this year! ha ha ha
but I do love them! My favorite is getting to be so creative and have fun doing these costume looks!...BUT I will be doing the top

1. Sleeping Beauty
2. Betty Boop
2. Belle
3. Strawberry Shortcake
4. Nerd
5. Ariel (from little mermaid)
6. 20's Flapper
7. Harley Quinn
8. Audrey Hepburn (re-do of the bad lighting one I did)
9. Marilyn Monroe
10. and for 10 I'm open to whatever get's MOST requested!!!!!

Let me know what you wanna see! GET READY TO COMMENT!!!!

glitter and ice cream.....kandee

Friday, September 17, 2010

The MOST GLAM Make-Up look EVER!

Something amazing happens when you wear red lipstick! You feel the sharp stilletto confidence of all the glamorous women of the 40's & 50's who carefully placed red lipstick on their lips if they were donning a fur and heading out on the town to dance the night away or if they were going to vacuum their living room in their heels, looking as beautiful as ever!
*Cleopatra used crushed Carmine Beetles to dye her lips red. And if red beetle juice wasn't enough she used a base of ants to keep it all together! Talk about the "price" of beauty! yuck.

*In 1871, Guerlain produced the first official red lipstick! Thank goodness, they put an end to people crushing up beetles and bugs to make their lips ruby or crimson.

*Hazel Bishop, one of the first organic chemists, in 1950, thought of the first smudge-proof, long lasting lipstick that won't smear on clothing or cups. It was a huge success and sales from Hazel Bishop Inc. with it's lipstick increased sales from $49,527 in 1950 to $10,100,682 in 1953. Sadly she lost control of her business, but what she did shows the power of lipstick!
Icons of beauty that truly made a mark with their RED LIPS...
Marilyn Monroe, Gwen Stefani, Jayne Mansfield

Lucille Ball, Lena Horne, and Carmen Miranda...

This is my fast go-to, make-up look, because in just a few minutes you can look so glam and be out the door. AND red looks great on everyone from dark complexions, to olive latin skin, to pale with red lips!
I love L'Oreal Infallibe's Lip Color in Beyonce (red)...
So get ready to let me show you how you can be glamorous, gorgeous, and how to do it in no time at all!
Get ready to drop some jaws and stop traffic with the glam, pin-up look!

huge love and big red kiss prints...your kandee

PS. I got the BOW ring I'm wearing in the video at Forever 21 & the palette I sue for my eyeshadows is the a Zpalette click here to check out their other awesome animal print palettes!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Goodbye to Glaminars

this was from the poster for last year's NYC Glaminar....
I have loved meeting everyone at the GLAMINARS...teaching, sharing, inspiring, touching hearts and lives...

These last Glaminars of this year, will be the last of the Glaminars... they take a lot of work, time, and stress to plan...not to mention the travel...and once my cupcake is here I will not be able to do the Glaminars anymore. I want to be able to spend every moment with my little cupcake when she gets here!

So please enjoy the last of the Glaminars...these are the remaining dates:

NYC September 25th

MIAMI October 9

LONDON October 23


NEW DATE!!! RENO November 13th


NEW DATE!!!  LA December 5th

 Since I want to end it where I started it all in LA....our big, last Glaminar EVER will be in Los Angeles- December 5th (check website for more details coming soon-

New cities will be available to sign-up ASAP, tickets will sell-out for these super fast, so sign up quickly! (LA & SF will sell out fast, the requests for these is CRAZY!)

I will really miss doing the Glaminars, but just so you know, these last Glaminars, I will be pouring my heart and energy into so much to make them AMAZING!!!
I pray that they will continue to not only change people's lives, futures and hopes, but change hearts that will never be the same! I love them and I can't wait to meet you all that will be there!
CHECK WEBSITE for when new locations and dates are AVAILABLE to purchase-
each venue has a limited number of seating and gift bags~ so sign up quickly, it's on a first come, first serve basis!

huge love from your kandee and I hope to get to meet you and hug you at one of these final Glaminars!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Yay!!!! I'm in a MAGAZINE!!!

I was just looking for a magazine to buy this morning in the Los Angeles International Airport (AKA LAX)...and what do I see but the OCTOBER ( I know! We're still only in the middle of September!)....issue- the BIG ANNIVERSARY ISSUE of ELLE magazine!!!!
It's like 2 million pages thick....but I knew if I went to the "Elle Beauty" pages I might see my little ol' face! Lo and behold....I give you this picture....: (yay! yay! yay!)

may I fill you in on a little special info: I took this picture myself in my bathroom! ha ha ha ha
To think this picture I took with my little old camera made it into the pages of ELLE is so AMAZING to me!
Just goes to show you...the beauty of things...never did I think that I'd be posing in my bathroom, with my little camera...not at all a glamorous like a real glossy photo shoot, just me, my bathroom, and the "fancy" lighting around my mirror! ha ha ha
Great things can start is weird places like your very own bathroom!!!

I've had to ask 2 different strangers to take my picture with this magazine! I was actually uploading these photos on my computer when I realized I had missed my flight! Yes while I was trying to get this online for you all to plane boarded and sat on the tarmac while I stood watching from inside the airport! ha ha ha ha

Here is the picture I had Stranger #2, take while I was missing my flight:

Yes, it's the big issue with Megan Fox on the front!
And here's me with myself on the magazine page!!!

Do you think Stranger #2 thought this was weird!? ha ha ha...she did say "congrats" afterwards! The ironic thing is, I have the same make-up look on in real life as I had on in the lips and red mouth! ha ha ha weirdy!

I'm off to basque in the beauty of the San Jose Airport, type my other blog about my day with my sister: read it, it's fun:

love from the airport and ELLE magazine!!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!!!
your kandee

Monday, September 13, 2010

My go-to Glam make-up look...

when I'm low on time and want lots of glam...I do the classic pin-up look...
winged liner and red lips!
IT's fast, easy and so pretty!
I know I already blogged about it, but I am still addicted to the L'Oreal infallible lipcolor in Beyonce!

Not to sound like a cd that's on repeat...but this stuff is amazing! I put it on this morning, headed out to meetings, to eat (a few cupcakes), even go to a photoshoot and it looked great all day!

Now you're in for a treat...if you've never seen this video I did, it's awesome for 2 reasons:
1. it's one of the first videos I did in the beginning with my old camera
2. I love this look and it looks beautiful on anyone

so enjoy my Go-to/-no time make up look ~ the Classic pin-up look, think Marilyn Monroe, Gwen Stefani...and now you!!!
enjoy this video...huge love and red lipstick...kandee

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The most beautiful thing to travel with!

I woke up this ready to get to the airport on time....
and the driver of the car, Edward, that was taking me to the airport and I started talking...we had such an encouraging and incredible conversation, I will never forget him. At one point our conversation had been so moving he confessed he felt emotion and didn't know why but he felt like crying...tears swelled up in my eyes too. We both had opened up our hearts and shared very dear stories, which I promised him were so precious I would lock them in my heart and never tell anyone.

After he dropped me off at the airport, and we gave each other a hug good bye, and I thanked him for making my day...I was told I missed checking in by 5 minutes.
For one second I thought, "OH GREAT!"....then a peaceful rush of thoughts said, "it's ok, you were meant to be encouraged by Edward, and you were meant to encourage you can go back to the hotel and each lunch with mama...come back to the airport...there is a reason for all these delays!"

While I was hearing that I had missed the flight, the sky cap, gave me a wonderful compliment, we started talking, and he said he would help me get into a special line to avoid the crazy amount of people trying to check in. He waited with me to make sure no one would yell at me, and he told me he and his wife had their first date in that very airport where they met, and that she had died and left him alone in this cold world....
and said, "no she's just warming up Heaven for you!"
He smiled at me with a smile that lit up the airport....when he left to go back he said, "you have a great day! I love ya!".....
THEN when I got to the counter...the lady are so nice, I wish there was more I could do to help you, I don't want to charge you the $150 to get on the next plane....can you come back and I'll get you on for $50? I wish I could do more because you are so nice!"
Everyone that I saw, I smile at....
said thank you VERY MUCH!...and
have a GREAT DAY!!!
and I asked how they were doing...and somehow from my smile and shining some love out onto them....all these strangers....said I made their day or that they "loved me" when I had to leave their presence!
It's amazing how a smile, listening, and pouring out a little love, in just a conversation, changed my whole day. And it changed the day of these wonderful people I was honored enough to meet today!
If the only reason I missed my plane was to get to encourage these people and shine some love into their was worth it!

If you want to, you can read more about my day at my personal blog-diary at:

The best thing to travel with is a HUGE SMILE and letting people feel how HUGE your HEART is!
Please share a smile, a kind word, a compliment, and a big "thank you so much" or " have a great day!".....with everyone you see or meet!

huge love and even huge-er smiles...from kandee (typing this from the 3rd largest airport in the world...Atlanta)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Beware of the UGLY & No's!

BE WARNED: I don't have a stitch of make-up on in these pictures!
like an angry football player...but instead of black under my eyes...I have silicone eye dews! IT's hard to look pretty after 2.5 hours of sleep...which is what I got last night!
After packing gift bags and setting up the room for the GLAMINAR for today, trying to type blogs and upload a new video vlog to youtube...i woke up with burning-from-tired-ness eyeballs...
lo and behold I had a pack of these babies:
they felt like the most cooling, relaxing jelly, delishy, things on my under eyes....
and they really worked!!! You can get them at : (EYE DEWS)
You get 2 pairs in a pack and I think they are $9.99...I think these saved my morning swollen, puffy eyes!

Today was an amazing GLAMINAR (CLICK HERE TO SEE PICS FROM THE GLAMINAR TODAY In back hurt a little from all the standing today. I'm trying to get some beauty sleeps in sometime tonight. As I type this I am on hold with Delta Airlines, because I am hoping they will be nice and get me on the right plane to LA for tomorrow. I've never had so many problems with flights as this trip with Delta! Oh yay!!! Finally a nice person at Delta is helping me and not charging me the $661 they said it was going to cost me to leave at the time I originally booked my ticket!
I knew it, I kept asking to talk to a supervisor, and asking them to help me...and I just asked the guy if he could waive the fee. I knew if I kept asking for help and not taking the bad "answer" they were giving me, that eventually I would get a good answer- and it worked! This nice person is not only giving me the flight time I needed, but he's waiving all the fees! Hooray!!!! (NOTE: I've been on the phone with Delta for 51 minutes now. woo!)

 Remember if you get an answer you don't like, like, "well now you are going to have to pay $661 to fly out tomorrow and you won't make it on your original flight time"....say "oh, can I please talk to your supervisor, I really need some help!".....then when they get on the phone and say, "well now you can't leave at that flight time and you're gonna have to pay $150"....ask, "is there any way you can waive that fee?".....they say, "um, let's see...yes I can do that"....
"is there any way I cna actually get the flight that I need to be on?"....they say, "let me see....yes I can get you on there!"....
see if I had just excepted that "$661 and you can't leave at the time you need to" an answer I would've taken that and just settled! NEVER SETTLE! KEEP ASKING-on til you get a GOOD ANSWER!
Don't take a no or a $661 fee for an answer! I've had enough of taking what Delta was dishing out...and my persistence paid off!!! Woo Hoo!
I'm off to get so me sweet sleep!
love you all my lovebugs....your kandee

Friday, September 10, 2010

Travel Bag Must Have's...

what we have here is what you would find in my carry-on bag:
*Leopard Print Neck Pillow

*the green mini bra looking thing is my 40 BLINKS "eye shade" AKA sleep mask is awesome, it is comfy and kinda protrudes out so it doesn't smash your eyelashes or ruin your eye make-up - if you are sleeping on the plane like I tried to do today!

*my mac book pro,'s my movie editor, blog's the brain of everything I do online!

*the small little pink thing on the left side of my laptop is my Bath & Bodyworks Hand Sanitizer in Sweet Pea- when you travel you encounter so many germs, in the recycled airplane air, the dirty arms rests...everywhere. I sanitized before I ate my snacks on the plane!

*then my HUGE chapstick from TREAT in Vanilla Buttercream Soft Candy Lip Balm

*then my Wet Ones (yes more hand cleansing options) this is when you want to wipe clean any dirt, not just smear a sanitizer around!

*My Lady Gaga Heartbeats headphones...they are lightweight to travel with and sound great...and they are handy to have when you can in-flight movies you don't need to buy the crappy headphones they sell you.

*I always travel with chewing gum (I like Orbit in sweet peppermint) helps your ears "pop" when you go up and down in altitude. And you have nice breath!

*Then I travel with my video camera almost's a CANON VIXIA HF 20. I travel with my memory card reader and spare memory cards too!
And of course, I toss all this into my LUG Puddlejumper bag in hot pink.

*AND THE MUST HAVE OF ALL MUST-HAVE's: the cupcake luggage tag from FLUFF! I love's cute, fun, girly, vintage and kinda has a Betsey Johnson all their stuff!

Check out the cuteness of the cupcake tags...they'll add some fun to any bag or purse!

I have the one with the hot pink icing! Fro $12.99 it's fun way to add some happy to your day!

That's what I carry on with me.....
I am tired from a LONG see my video of my day today CLICK HERE:

love and cute luggage....
your kandee....

the essential carry-on:
a smile...and happiness and joy no matter how many flights you miss or times they lose your luggage!

TRAVEL TIP: I learned from the Customer Service Man at the airport yesterday....
he said, "I will go out of my way to help a nice person...the people that are rude and angry....I don't try to offer them anything!"...lesson learned...when you are NICE and ask for help...people go out of their way to help you!